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Tournament history - 2011 - News

18/12/11 Matches from Umag broadcasted in 132 countries around the world 16/12/11 Video featuring the 22nd ATP Studena Croatia Open 06/10/11 The Day of Solidarity 2011 and Umag Stars for Umag Children 01/08/11 VIDEO: Singles finals 31/07/11 Web chat with Vanja Bozickovic 31/07/11 31.07.2011 - TODAY at 22. ATP Studena Croatia Open 31/07/11 Čilić is following in Prpić's footsteps 31/07/11 Dolgopolov beats Čilić for his first career title 30/07/11 30.07. - TODAY on 22nd ATP Studena Croatia Open 30/07/11 Čilić races past Seppi, two steps away from title 30/07/11 Ivo Josipović: ATP Studena Croatia Open is very important for Umag, Istria and Croatia altogether. 29/07/11 29.07. - TODAY at 22nd ATP Studena Croatia Open 29/07/11 First Croatian victory at 22. ATP Studena Croatia Open 28/07/11 The title defender Juan Carlos Ferrero playing golf in Umag 28/07/11 Web chat with Antonio Veic 28/07/11 VIDEO: Web chat@ATP Studena Croatia Open 28/07/11 VIDEO: Dodig and hostesses 28/07/11 28.7.2011. - TODAY at 22nd ATP Studena Croatia Open 27/07/11 VIDEO: Mate Delic and Mate Pavic received wildcards 27/07/11 Web chat - Robin Haase was answering your questions 27/07/11 VIDEO: Kid's Day - Marin Cilic 27/07/11 VIDEO: Charity - Celebrity stage 27/07/11 27.07. - TODAY at 22nd ATP Studena Croatia Open 27/07/11 Celebrity stage wednesday 26/07/11 Web chat - Robin Haase will answer your questions 26/07/11 VIDEO: Kid's Day with Ivan Ljubicic 26/07/11 Web chat with Ivan Ljubicic 26/07/11 26.07. - TODAY at 22. ATP Studena Croatia Open 25/07/11 Celebrity stage 25/07/11 Web chat with Marin Cilic 25/07/11 Ball boys and girls – an important part of tournament staff 25/07/11 25.07. - TODAY at 22. Studena Croatia Open 24/07/11 24.07 - TODAY at 22. ATP Studena Croatia Openu 23/07/11 VIDEO: Opening & Draw ceremony 23/07/11 23. 07 - TODAY at 22. ATP Studena Croatia Openu 22/07/11 24.07 - TODAY at 22. ATP Studena Croatia Openu 20/07/11 Veić, Pavić and Delić receive invitations 19/07/11 Alexandr Dolgopolov: 15/07/11 Ivan Ljubičić: 11/07/11 Marin Čilić: 08/07/11 President of Croatia will be the patron for the 22nd year in a row 07/07/11 Ivan Dodig: 04/07/11 Umag's tournament is the Istrian Monte Carlo! 01/07/11 ATP Uncovered video: Tommy Robredo Garces 30/06/11 ATP Uncovered video: Alexandr Dolgopolov 29/06/11 ATP Uncovered video: Ivan Ljubičić 28/06/11 ATP Uncovered video: Marin Čilić 11/06/11 We will publish the list of players soon! 10/06/11 Umag and Novigrad are hosts of the World Tennis Championship for Super Seniors in 2012. 10/06/11 As many as 24 trophies to be awarded to the tournament’s best 27/04/11 The very best of Croatian tennis in Umag: 21/04/11 ATP airs report on Umag-based tennis tournament in over 100 countries around the world 12/04/11 Ticket sale begins: 12/04/11 Both beautiful and smart – Umag and hostesses love each other publicly 12/04/11 Did you know: 30/03/11 ATP world tour uncovered 17/03/11 Intensive preparations started 16/03/11 Director of Istraturist Zeljko Kukurin 15/03/11 Director of ATP Studena Croatia Open Umag, Vanja Bozickovic 14/03/11 ATP Umag in numbers 22/02/11 Five Minutes With the Last Year's Tournament (2010) 21/02/11 Umag is Always in the Game!
Plava Laguna HEP Stella artois TZ Umag Triglav Jana Emirates Franck Podravka Croatia full of life T-com Subaru Unikomerc Grad Umag Istra MINT Hrvatski teniski klub Zagreb Studenac market Subaru Croatia Remax TECHNOGYM