The Frajle from Novi Sad performed in Umag for
the first time two years ago. Judging from the reactions of the
crowd at last night's performance in the ATP Lounge, their comeback
is better than the premiere. Marija Mirković, Nataša Mihajlović,
Jelena and Nevena Buča have called themselves The Frajle since 2009
and they describe their style as semi cabaret tango from Vojvodina.
The numerous crowd visibly enjoyed their unique performance
followed by the occasional life story or anecdote.
At midnight the time for tennis was over and the time to party has
come, and the Croatian-Slovenian DJ duo Vanillaz
took care of that. Behind that name are Marko Bucić and Miha Pajk,
two young DJs who stepped onto the electronic music scene in 2011,
only to perform with the biggest names in the genre soon after.
Last night they performed at Umag's tournament for the first time,
but a month before they performed at Umagination along with Fedde
le Grand and were mesmerized by the atmosphere and Umag's crowd.
The great atmosphere wasn't missing tonight either, on the
contrary, Vanillaz kept Umag's crowd on their feet until morning
with their energetic performance.
The Frajle from Novi Sad performed in Umag for the first time two years ago. Judging from the reactions of the crowd at last night's performance in the ATP Lounge...